Meet Lynda
Lynda Sather arrived in Alaska on a whim, as many do, and stayed for forty years, as many do not. She worked in Petersburg in a cannery, on a gillnetter, a tender, and a salmon seiner before deciding commercial fishing was not the life for her. She settled in Fairbanks, Alaska, where she managed corporate communications for a public school district and then a pipeline service company.
Lynda has a B.A. degree of marginal value in French literature from U.C. Santa Cruz and a more more useful master’s degree in Professional Communication from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her work has appeared in Alaska Magazine and the Central Oregon Writer’s Guild 2023 and 2025 Anthologies.
When not writing, Lynda enjoys traveling, hiking, writing and playing pickleball.
A Smack of Jellyfish is her first novel.